My novel debuts November 12th!

Dear friends,

I’m writing with news about my new book, Renovation (Atmosphere Press), which will be published on November 12th. I am grateful for all of you—for your interest and support over the years.

Renovation is my debut novel and my experiences as an interior designer have allowed me to share an entertaining yet unfamiliar world. Which brings me to my reason for writing to you today:

I want to let you know that the book can be ordered now from most places where books are sold. You can order directly from your local bookstore, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and other online retailers.

Another way you can help is to review the book on Amazon and Goodreads, post a picture of the book on social media, or just tell others about the book!

Thank you for being a part of this journey with me!

With gratitude,

Leslie Abner


The Price of Furry Love