A Day For The Dads


This past Sunday was Father’s Day and as I set the buffet before my family’s arrival, my mind drifted to various memories of my father and so many wonderful fathers that I know. I closed my eyes and felt the meaning of the day, appreciating how much we depend on our fathers. 

When I think of my own father, I see a man who is dedicated. Dedicated to his family, and dedicated to his work. Loyal, hard-working, principled, passionate about building his business and relationships. My father had one brother yet raised two daughters, which was an adjustment for a guys guy.  When he arrived home late from business meetings, he would tiptoe into my dark bedroom, kneeling at my pink ruffled bed with his suit and tie intact. Rubbing my head or my back, we would chat for a few minutes before he was off to relax after a long day. Vivid memories of horseback riding on Sunday’s in open fields, an activity he loved and wanted to share with my sister and I, fill my head on fathers day.  

With four granddaughters and one grandson, it’s been interesting to watch my father soften as each grandchild melted his heart a bit more. His grandchildren morphed a rather strict father with high expectations into a grandpa viewed his grandchildren with rainbows and unicorns surrounding them. It brings me joy to see how he truly enjoys their company and revels in watching them grow into adults. 

Father’s Day is a day in which we celebrate fathers, grandfathers and uncles and all the men who boldly step up to be role models, and stand by our side, guiding us, cheering us, teaching us, as we go through life. I must admit, I observe fathers from afar and nothing impresses me more than a dedicated, connected father. To watch a father embrace his son, or teach his child how to swing a bat, or have patience teaching the principles of word problems after a long day at work is heartwarming. I have a soft spot for these dads and it reminds me how lucky my daughters and I are to have a father and grandfather that will always step up for those he truly loves.


Timeless Love


Perfect Camp Trunks